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The 60 Second Blessing

I think we often under estimate the power that words have in our marriage.

It’s amazing what a simple compliment can do to lighten the mood and grow love.  On the other hand, it’s even more amazing how a critical word can put a chill in the air and put distance between the two of you. One of the turning points in our relationship was when we learned to leverage the power of speaking words of encouragement over each other.  It was so dramatic for us that we still keep this habit.

We call it the 60-Second Blessing and here’s how it works:

You begin by speaking 60 seconds of encouragement to your spouse. Once you’re finished, your spouse spends the next 60 seconds sharing what they love about you. It’s that simple!

Here’s what it sounds like in our marriage:

Casey: Babe, I love you for everything that you are. You are patient with me, forgiving of my faults, and so unconditional in your love. I love how you stay fit and eat healthy and encourage me to do the same. I really appreciate my to-do lists. I promise to change the lightbulb, tomorrow, really. I enjoyed our weekend as a family and making memories, simply staying at home and taking a family walk. You are so creative. I love that we get to work on building a dream together. You are an amazing mother.

Meygan: I love how hard you work to provide for this family. Even though I know you are tired from working all day,  I love how when you come home you wrestle with the kids, cook dinner, help with bedtime, and manage enough energy to play Yahtzee with me. Thank you for showing me so much grace when I mess up and being quick to forgive. Thank you for always finding ways to make me laugh. I’m grateful for your authenticity and kindness you show me and so many other people.

Check out our video The 60 Second Blessing here.

Sit down with your spouse and try this out.  Watch how the power of your words will transform your marriage. If you find this helpful, we encourage you to do this at least 5 times a week.

Written by Casey Caston

Casey Caston is the co-founder of Marriage365 and loves his wife, kids, and surfing – in that order. He’s passionate about teaching couples how to connect on a deeper level and works often with couples in crisis. He’s also officiated more than 600 weddings. His life long dream is to walk the Camino, surf in Indonesia, and publish a New York Times best seller.

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