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30 Fun Summer Date Ideas for Couples

It’s summertime!

That means BBQs with loved ones, family road trips, and picnics at the park. The word SUMMER instantly brings this unique feeling of freedom and anticipation of fun memories and recreation.

So, if summer can offer all of that to you, what can it offer to your marriage?

I can sum it up in one word…CONNECTION! Summertime has an abundance of opportunities for you and your spouse to connect on new levels and in new ways!

Here are some ideas to help you plan adventurous and romantic dates this summer:

  • Go camping for the weekend

  • Go skinny-dipping

  • Volunteer somewhere together

  • Have a beach day, alone! (And bring our book 365 Connecting Questions for Couples along)

  • Crash a hotel pool and go night swimming

  • Get tickets to an outdoor concert

  • Buy some fireworks and light them in your backyard (then go in the bedroom and make some more)

  • Go on a bike ride and stop at a new place for lunch

  • Go for a hike together and pack a picnic lunch

  • Have a “Pancakes and Pajamas Morning”…then maybe go back to bed

  • Enjoy a bonfire and s’mores at the beach

  • Rent the movie Date Night with Steve Carell and Tina Fey! Get ready for some laughs

  • Go out for ice cream and bring a deck of cards

  • Try a new iced drink at your local coffee shop

  • Find local happy hours and take advantage of cheaper prices

  • Commit to the 60-Second Blessing and get ready for all of the love and connection that comes with it

  • Go to a local library together and pick out a book of new positions to try, then go home and try them out!

  • Look through a cookbook and pick something new to cook together

  • Plan a staycation! Explore your city from a tourist’s point of view and find a new place to be a local regular!

  • Camp out in your backyard and make love under the stars

  • Wake up early and watch the sunrise. It’s romantic, nostalgic, and a perfect way to connect before your day begins.

  • Try on lingerie at your favorite store and let your husband pick which one to take you home in. If you’re on a budget you don’t even have to buy anything, the visual stimulation will be enough.

  • Go Indoor rock climbing together

  • Buy a fire pit for your backyard and start a weekly tradition of sitting outside together after the kids are asleep

  • Take a road trip, put your windows down and turn up your music. Also, if you need something to talk about, use our 50 Road Trip Conversation Starters

  • Re-create your favorite summer date from when you were first dating ☺

  • Find a wine or food tasting tour to experience together

  • Go to an art show

  • Go to a baseball game

  • Go to a local street fair together (& try something new to eat!)

Whatever you do just have fun! And if all else fails…
ask some Connecting Questions!

Written by Anna Collins
Anna Collins is passionate about her marriage, staying at home with her kids, writing, coffee, good conversation, and game night. Her life dream is to someday write a book and see it published.


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