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5 Benefits of a Day of Rest (For You and Your Marriage)

Remember when you were dating and you could just talk for hours?

There seemed to be so much uninterrupted time in dating! Hours to hang out at a park, have a movie marathon, or spend all night at a diner. Aren’t those long, connecting times how we fell in love?

For me, those times were some of the most memorable and bonding. When we were dating, we found so much time to just be. We were ourselves. We snuggled and laughed and talked for hours on end. We shared our fears, struggles, hopes and dreams. I think a big part of this connection stemmed from the free time we made in our schedule to just hang out with each other.

We can still have that connection in our marriage, and you can still have it in your marriage.

All this comes down to is scheduling down time with your spouse— making the time to rest. By “rest”, I mean creating a blank space with no appointments, no tasks, no pressing events to attend. You and your spouse need time to just be.

Here’s 5 reasons you should be including downtime, rest, or white space with your spouse in your weekly schedule:

1. You’ll feel more connected.

You’ll feel more connected to your spouse since you’ll have room to share what has been on your heart and mind. Sure, we always find a way to talk about the bills and upcoming parties to prepare for. But how often do we find the time to share where we are spiritually or what has been pressing our heart the past week?

2. Your body needs it!

We all know rest is imperative to our well-being. Failing to rest can lead to all sorts of health issues. We are not meant to be on the go 100% of the time.

3. Your life is not a to-do list and neither is your spouse!

Create the time to truly soak up the present moment. This can be a real struggle for me because planning to do nothing often feels like failing in a world of go-go-go. I consistently have to remind myself that life isn’t just a bunch of tasks.

4. You won’t be so stressed.

Rest time allows you to let go of the tasks and remember what’s important—the person in front of you. You’ll feel rejuvenated from having rested, which will lower your stress levels. Blank space allows you to unplug and we all need that.

5. Play makes work more bearable.

Laughing together and enjoying free time is refreshing and restorative. When you’ve been filled up emotionally, you are able to mentally and physically do more.

When my husband and I are intentional about planning rest into our schedules, our weeks are so much more peaceful. So I challenge you to talk to your spouse today about taking some free-time together to simply enjoy each other’s company.

Say no to tasks, events, and work for a small chunk of time, and say yes to your spouse.

Written by Heather Christy
Heather Christy lives in Arizona with her husband Daniel. She is passionate about writing, reading, emotional growth and self-awareness. She enjoys coffee and honest conversation. She aspires to encourage marriages and love others through her writing.

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