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Our Bucket List

We are the couple who is always looking for the next adventure.

I think it’s extremely important for couples to dream together and create goals for their future. It helps build security and trust in the marriage. So we have this ever evolving bucket list we created years ago and as we think of things, we just add them to the list. If you’re looking for new adventures with your mate, here is some inspiration for you.

Our Bucket List:

  • Plan a trip to Europe for Meygan’s 40th birthday

  • Go to the Jimmy Fallon Show

  • Be the house on the block with the most Christmas lights ✔️

  • Go to a rodeo in Texas

  • Walk the Camino De Compostela (google it!)

  • Take a cooking class at the junior college

  • Attend a Jack Johnson concert

  • Sing Karaoke together at a dive bar

  • Buy a Vespa

  • Go skinny dipping

  • Go indoor skydiving

  • Live with the Amish for a month

  • Buy a standard poodle and name her Gidget

  • Meet Brené Brown

  • Write a book ✔️(We did it! Get your copy of 365 Connecting Questions here!)

  • Get on the Price is Right ✔️ (We had a BLAST!)

  • See a Broadway musical in New York City ✔️

  • Learn how to play golf ✔️

  • Go on a safari in Africa

  • Learn a magic trick

So, what’s on your bucket list?

If you’re looking for ways to build your friendship and set goals together, be sure to check out our video 7 Ways to Build Emotional Intimacy here!

Written by Meygan Caston

Meygan Caston is the co-founder of Marriage365 and lives in Orange County, California with her husband Casey and their two children. She loves the beach, dance parties, writing, spa days, and helping couples connect in their marriage. Her life-long dream is to walk the Camino and have lunch with Brené Brown.

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