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Back-to-School Marriage Checklist

Stay Connected During Back-to-School: A Marriage Checklist

Is it back-to-school time already?

As summer fades, families are gearing up for a new school year filled with new teachers, activities, schedules, and a host of changes. With all these transitions, it’s easy for “mom and dad” to lose sight of each other amid the whirlwind. We’ve been there and know how hectic it can be. Your kids will soon receive a back-to-school supplies list, along with tasks to prepare for the first day. Amid this wild season, it’s crucial to support your marriage too. Here’s a “Back-to-School Marriage Checklist” to help you navigate this busy time together:

1. Schedule Date Nights

The start of a new school year can quickly dominate the family schedule. Prioritize your relationship by planning date nights for the next three months. Make sure these nights are about fun and connection, not discussing the kids or household logistics.

2. New School Year, New Plan

Whether it’s drop-offs, pick-ups, back-to-school shopping, or managing extracurricular activities, create a fresh plan for who handles what this year. Have a “new roles” conversation and ensure both partners are on the same page. Write down your agreed responsibilities to stay accountable and finish the discussion with a “60-second blessing” to appreciate and encourage each other.

3. Hold Family Meetings

Support your marriage by holding a family meeting to discuss the new school year’s plan together. This prevents miscommunication and helps everyone understand their roles and responsibilities. For example, “Remember in our family meeting, we agreed Dad would pick you up from activities on Tuesdays, and Mom would drive you to school on Thursdays?” This clarity reduces stress and constant questioning.

4. Connecting Questions for Couples

Deepen your connection with these back-to-school-themed questions:

  • What’s challenging for you as we start a new school year?
  • What brings you joy as our kids start a new school year?
  • Which activity is hardest for you to support our kids in?
  • Which activity do you most enjoy supporting our kids in?
  • How do you like to connect with me after a long day?
  • What’s a need you have that I can help fulfill?
  • What did we do well as a team last school year?
  • What didn’t we do well as a team last school year?
  • What are our screen time boundaries this school year?
  • What pushback can we expect from our kids about these boundaries?
  • How should we respond to pushback?
  • What’s one thing you need me to know right now?

5. Connecting Questions for Families

Prioritize connection like any other important aspect of life. Our books offer daily questions to help you connect consistently. Establish a routine to ask the question of the day, enhancing trust, life satisfaction, and happiness.

Remember, You’re Not Alone

The back-to-school season can be a challenging adjustment for everyone. Remember, you’re part of a community going through the same transitions. We’re all gearing up for the circus together, supporting each other along the way.  


Written by Anna Collins

Anna Collins lives in California with her husband and four children. She is passionate about her marriage, staying at home with her kids, writing, coffee, good conversation, and game night. Her life dream is to someday write a book and see it published.

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