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Surviving the Political Season with Your Marriage Intact

Let’s face it: the political season can be rough on relationships, especially when you and your partner aren’t exactly voting for the same team.

But don’t worry, this isn’t about changing anyone’s mind – it’s about keeping your marriage strong, no matter how many lawn signs are in the neighborhood. Here’s how to survive the political season while keeping your marriage intact.

Compassion and Empathy: The Superpowers You Didn’t Know You Had

Okay, so you didn’t marry a clone of yourself (thank goodness), which means you’re bound to have some different opinions, including about politics. Before you start mentally drafting a rebuttal, pause and try a little thing called empathy

What’s that, you ask? It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person – yeah, even the person who might be wearing a candidate’s T-shirt you wouldn’t be caught dead in.

Compassion isn’t just for superheroes – it’s for anyone who wants to keep the peace at home. So, listen with an open heart, even if your brain is screaming, “But you’re wrong!” 

Trust us, it works wonders.

Active Listening: Put Down the Debate Gloves

No one likes a know-it-all, especially when the stakes feel high. Instead of gearing up for round 10 in the great debate, why not try something different? Like actually listening. Shocking, right?

Active listening is about giving your partner the floor – no interruptions, no eye rolls, and definitely no “Yeah, but…” comments. 

Just hear them out. 

You might not agree, but at least they’ll feel heard, which is half the battle in any marriage.

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Boundaries: The Real Hero of the Political Season

Here’s a little secret: it’s totally okay to set some ground rules. 

If talking politics is turning your home into a war zone, it’s time to draw a line in the sand. And no, that doesn’t make you a wimp – it makes you smart.

Try this on for size: “Hey babe, I love you more than this argument. Can we hit pause and talk about something less likely to ruin our night?” 

Or maybe: “I’m all about discussing politics, but can we agree to keep it civil? No throwing things, okay?” 

Boundaries are there to keep the peace, not to stifle conversation.

Self-Care: Because No One Enjoys Being Burnt Out

Politics can be draining – and so can trying to navigate those conversations without losing your cool. That’s why it’s crucial to take care of yourself. You can’t be the chill, understanding partner you want to be if you’re running on empty.

Do whatever fills your tank. 

Whether it’s a run, a Netflix binge, or hiding in the bathroom with a good book (we’ve all been there), take time to recharge. 

Your marriage will thank you.

Creating a No-Politics Zone: For the Sake of Your Sanity

Sometimes, the best way to keep your marriage from going off the rails is to declare certain times or spaces as no-politics zones. Think of it like the “no shoes” rule some people have for their homes – only this time, it’s no politics allowed.

Maybe dinner is sacred, or maybe it’s the bedroom. 

Wherever it is, make sure there’s a place where you can connect without the latest headlines getting in the way. 

Trust us, it’s a game-changer.

Remember What Brought You Together: It Wasn’t Politics

Here’s a fun fact: you didn’t fall in love because you both agreed on fiscal policy. 

Chances are, you connected over something way more interesting, like your shared love for travel, that terrible TV show you’re both obsessed with, or the fact that you can both eat tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Focus on that stuff. 

Remember what makes your relationship awesome, and lean into it. The political season will pass, but your marriage is here to stay – as long as you keep nurturing it.

The Extended Family and Friends Factor: Handle with Care

Now, let’s talk about the other fun part of the political season: dealing with family and friends who have no problem telling you exactly what they think. 

The good news? You don’t have to invite them to your kitchen table debate.

Set boundaries there too. 

You don’t have to engage in every conversation, especially if it’s just going to stress you out. It’s okay to say, “We’re not talking politics tonight,” or “Let’s agree to disagree and move on.” 

Your marriage doesn’t need the added stress of outside opinions messing with your vibe.

Choose Your Marriage Over Politics

At the end of the day, what’s more important: being right, or being happy? 

We’re not saying you have to give up your beliefs, but we are saying that your marriage should come first. Don’t let political disagreements drive a wedge between you and the person you love most.

So, take a deep breath, remember why you’re together, and focus on what really matters – your relationship. 

Politics will come and go, but a strong marriage? That’s worth fighting for.

And hey, if you’re feeling like you need a little extra help navigating this season, that’s what we’re here for at Marriage365. We’ve got the tools, coaching, and resources to help you stay connected, no matter how crazy the world gets. So, hang in there—we’ve got your back.

Written by Matt Davis 

Matt has been married to his wife for 23 years and lives in Lexington, Kentucky with their three amazing teenagers. They love to travel, eat great food, kayak, and play at the lake during the summer. When Matt is asked to speak somewhere, his number one choice for what to bring on any road trip is his wife.If you are interested in signing up for a coaching session with Matt visit his coaching page

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